Fighting Fear!
For such a time as this… when you or your children are fearful, why not share God’s words of comfort?
For years, if my husband was gone and I went go to bed at night without him, I’d hear all sorts of weird noises, expect someone to “come and get me”, think of scary thoughts, and eventually work myself into a state of terror. I’d remain wide awake for hours until I’d finally succumb to sheer exhaustion, falling asleep sometime in the wee hours of the morning!
Then, I discovered Psalm 91. What a comfort! Now I can finally crawl in bed and sleep without my thoughts going wacko. In verses 3-6, God promises me that I don’t have to fear the night or the pestilence that stalks in the darkness. Why? He covers me with his feathers, and I can take refuge under His wings. Now, before I get all worked up, as soon as I get in bed, I often visualize those giant wings enveloping me and being covered in feathers. I immediately find peace all warm and cozy in my protective cocoon.
Staying in God’s Word and reminding ourselves of His promises is a wonderful way to fight the “Dark” that our families are facing in these troubling times. Join me in reading Psalm 91 and praying it over your families and friends daily.