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Student Starter Kit
Cost: $185.99
The Student Starter Kit includes the Textbook and Student Packet. These two components are needed to teach one student The Kingdom Code curriculum. Note: This kit does not include the Teacher’s Guide, which is highly recommended to make teaching easy and fun!
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-3-1
KCK Receipt Book
Cost: $6.99
Every kit includes a KCK Receipt Book for students to record purchases from customers. Additional KCK Receipt Books can be purchased as needed.
Student Packet
Cost: $125.99
The Student Packet contains the consumable parts used to teach The Kingdom Code. It is included in both the Complete Starter Kit and the Student Starter Kit.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-2-4
Student Textbook
Cost: $88.87
The Kingdom Code student textbook is designed to inspire & equip kid entrepreneurs to live by a code. In just 27 lessons they learn to build a business, manage money successfully and develop valuable life skills. The full-color, 244-page, spiral-bound book weaves economics, budgeting, Texas history, historical entrepreneurship, consumer math, Biblical codes, practical thinking & life skills to create exciting lessons. Kids enjoy the medieval theme and the many Kingdom “Codes” it instills such as Bravery, Kindness, Perseverance, Honor & Integrity. Quick, easy & thorough activities enforce the concepts taught in the text and offer flexibility to your schedule.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-0-0
JR KCK Budget Kit
Cost: $12.99
Kids are never too young to learn how to manage money… God’s Way! The JR KCK Budget Kit is an economical way to introduce kids to budgeting when they are too young to complete The Kingdom Code program.
TKC Coloring Book
Cost: $7.99
The TKC Coloring Book includes 32 pages of knights, Bible verses, and the KCK Budget coloring pages!
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-7-9
Teacher’s Guide
Cost: $44.42
The detailed, easy-to-follow Teacher’s Guide part of The Kingdom Code curriculum (see: curriculum overview) takes the work out of planning, so you can spend your time teaching and enjoying your students!
The 27 lessons are divided into 68 teaching days, ideally taught 2 days a week. Lesson plans provide a step-by-step balanced approach to learning and give helpful suggestions and reminders. For your convenience, answers for Activity pages and Worksheets are included at the conclusion of each lesson plan.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-1-7
The Kingdom Code is delighted and honored to announce that we have won the Best Homeschooling Programs & Resources of 2018-2019 award from!