kid entrepreneur, money management, entrepreneurship, the kingdom code, budgeting, teaching

Debt Free… The New American Dream

The American dream is always depicted as having a big, beautiful house. There’s a white picket fence that surrounds a large, well-manicured lawn. Parked in the driveway, you can find a shiny new car. From the time we are young, this package is presented to us. The American Dream seems to equal MORE and BETTER…

The Kingdom Code - Kids Money Management | The Best Way to Teach Your Kids about Money

The Best Way to Teach Your Kids about Money

It’s An Incredible Time For Teaching & Learning Studies have shown that children can learn better and sooner by using an activity oriented, or hands-on approach. A study published by the Canadian Center for Science and Education found that young students can learn basic science and mathematical concepts even before formal education by using a…

kid money management, the kingdom code, kid business, kid entrepreneur, bible

What Does the Bible Say About Money?

Let’s Learn What the Bible Says About Money! So many times as Christians, we like to think that we’re not supposed to think or care about money. Looking into scripture, that’s not necessarily true, so what does the bible say about money? Scripture is clear that we cannot love both God and money (Matthew 6:24),…

The Power of Purpose

The Power of Purpose Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? Or maybe just really comfortable with life? So comfortable that life doesn’t consist of any risk or adventure? I’ve been there just recently. I distinctly remember sitting in a small group setting with some fellow youth pastors’ wives about a year and a…