For Such a Time as This… Fighting Fear.
Fighting Fear! For such a time as this… when you or your children are fearful, why not share God’s words of comfort? For years, if my husband was gone and…
The Kingdom Code - Make & Manage Money... God's Way!
Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? Or maybe just really comfortable with life? So comfortable that life doesn’t consist of any risk or adventure?
I’ve been there just recently.
I distinctly remember sitting in a small group setting with some fellow youth pastors’ wives about a year and a half ago. We were asked to discuss our dreams for the future. When it came my turn to speak, I had nothing. NO. THING. I couldn’t think of a single thing that I was passionately pursuing. I hadn’t thought about my own dreams or vision for the future in so long. I had zero direction.
Guys, that’s not good!
I felt embarrassed, passionless, and sincerely… well, lost. I have always had plans and dreams for the future. I’m not sure when along the way those dreams and plans vanished. Maybe motherhood took the driver’s seat for a while, as it should, to an extent.
Things changed drastically about a year ago. My feelings of monotony were rocked when my husband and I said yes to the mission field of Guatemala. We are very excited and burdened for our new home, but I also know the challenges that are ahead. For example, the next year we will be working to sell most of our possessions, including our house and truck.
Honestly, I’m not too worried about selling our things, but that does mean we must stop accumulating more things. Let me put it simply… I HAVE TO STOP SHOPPING!
Show of hands, anyone struggle with the need for retail therapy? I really do… or, did. But lately, something incredible has happened. I’ve been in situations where I have had ample opportunity to shop my favorite stores, but I cannot think of a single thing that I really need or even want. GUYS, this is HUGE! In the past, I could think of so many items that I could benefit from or update my house with. It’s very strange that I have ZERO desire to purchase new things.
This, let’s call it a phenomenon, has got me really thinking about the power of PURPOSE. Now that I have a renewed purpose with an outcome in sight, my need for THINGS has changed. Was I using things to fill a void that only divine purpose could fill? Maybe so.
If money tends to burn a hole in your pocket, and you know things need to change. I encourage you to take a look into your heart and figure out what you are working toward. Maybe you are wanting to pay off debt, build a nest egg, or grow that savings account. And maybe you are just needing to eliminate clutter and simplify your home.
Read The Kingdom Code's Articles on Teaching Kids About Money
Fighting Fear! For such a time as this… when you or your children are fearful, why not share God’s words of comfort? For years, if my husband was gone and…
Worried about COVID-19? God promises us in verse 9-10 of Psalm 91 that He has it all under control. He says No plague shall come near your dwelling… if you…
I’m a people watcher who loves to see how people spend their money. Do you ever look in the grocery cart behind you to see what goodies they are buying?…
The American dream is always depicted as having a big, beautiful house. There’s a white picket fence that surrounds a large, well-manicured lawn. Parked in the driveway, you can find…
Every student wants their transcript for college to set them apart…especially when looking for a scholarship Colleges and scholarship boards are looking for those dynamic students who are well rounded,…
Thanksgiving In A Pillowcase As I crumbled cornbread to be used next week in the Thanksgiving dressing, I smiled as I recalled a story my mom told me about herself…
The Kingdom Code Complete Starter Kit includes the Textbook, Student Packet, and Teacher’s Guide. These three components are everything needed to teach one student The Kingdom Code curriculum. The Teacher’s Guide makes teaching easy and fun!
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-4-8
The Student Starter Kit includes the Textbook and Student Packet. These two components are needed to teach one student The Kingdom Code curriculum. Note: This kit does not include the Teacher’s Guide, which is highly recommended to make teaching easy and fun!
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971648-3-1